Monday 23 March 2015

Bombproof Formulas for Openings That Grab Readers and Don’t Let Go

4 Bombproof Formulas for Openings That Grab Readers and Don’t Let Go

Do you hear that?
Drip, drip, drip.
That’s the sound of sweat falling from a blogger’s brow.
Drip, drip, drip.
Writing an effective opening is damn hard work. If you don’t hook your reader within the first eight seconds, they’ll click a link and disappear, perhaps forever.
Drip, drip.

That sound is the difference between an amateur and a professional. Whether you write for a living or not, breaking sweat over your openings is a sign you’re serious about your craft.
Like Stephen King.
Even he admits he spends months perfecting the beginnings to his stories. That’s because, book or blog post, the rules are the same: lose your reader in the beginning and you’ve lost them for good.
But, what if you don’t have the luxury of spending as much time as it takes? What if a deadline is looming? And what if you know your post could be great, but you’re not sure how to begin?
Don’t worry.
You just need some simple formulas you can copy. Formulas that practically guarantee that you open strong every time.
But my eight seconds are up.
So let’s get started.

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